Latest Past Events

February 2016 Technical Meeting

Nevins Brewing Company 12337 IL-59, Plainfield

Pressure Relief Valve Technology and Sizing Improvements for Process Safety Management

Join us on February 16th as we learn from Dave McHugh, of Allied Valve and Joe Baffoe, of Valdes Engineering who will discuss pressure relief valve technologies, relief valve design, the role of relief valves in process safety management, and two-phase relief valve sizing improvements.

January 2016 Technical Meeting

Nevins Brewing Company 12337 IL-59, Plainfield

Corrosion, Erosion, and Wetted Parts: A Heavy Metal Discussion

Join us on January 19th, 2016 as we learn from Eric Lofland - Ambitech who will discuss metallurgy, wetted parts, and how to choose the right materials for the application.

November 2015 Technical Meeting

Nevins Brewing Company 12337 IL-59, Plainfield

A Look at Early Planning Process Best Practices for Plant Automation Modernization Projects

Join us on November 17th as we hear from MC Chow, of Emerson Process Management on the how early planning, preparation and best practices help improve the odds of success, whether it is students preparing for a test or seasoned engineers planning an automation project.