Latest Past Events

September 2017 Technical Meeting

Nevins Brewing Company 12337 IL-59, Plainfield

Is There A Hidden SIS In Your Legacy Process Automation System?

Join us on September 19th as Robert Ancrum - Instrumentation, Control and SIS Consulting Engineer goes on a hunt for hidden Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) in your legacy process automation system.

May 2017 Technical Meeting

Nevins Brewing Company 12337 IL-59, Plainfield

The Top Ten list to avoid costly mistakes in the design and implementation of new or existing analytical measurement loops.

Join us on Tuesday May 23rd as we learn from Fred Kohlmann - Endress+Hauser who will discuss Optimizing pH Analytical Measurements.

April 2017 Technical Meeting

Nevins Brewing Company 12337 IL-59, Plainfield

There have been many well publicized process industry accidents around the world since the 1970s. These accidents have resulted in new regulations, government bureaucracies, standards, books, products, and even training and qualification programs. We’ve been covering these issues at industry conferences for more than 30 years. Are we making any headway? Are we getting any better in terms of process safety? Are we having fewer accidents, injuring fewer people, or having less environmental impact? This presentation will answer that question through the observations of someone with four decades of experience, the anecdotal experience of others, and a review of industry studies.